Auni by Fastagger – PRIVACY POLICY
Last updated on: March 2024

    Fastagger is dedicated to developing artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain service platforms
    designed to provide data management and algorithm solutions. The Company’s platforms
    run machine learning on customer data to generate insights for a range of products including,
    bringing customer intelligence & engagement, thereby enabling businesses to make sense of their data.
    The Company is deliberate in playing its role as a good corporate citizen by conducting its affairs in
    accordance with applicable law, its values, and international best practices.
    We take pride in our work and accord a tremendous deal of respect and dignity to our
    stakeholders, including in how we request, process, use, store and transfer personal data.
    This Privacy Policy establishes rules and guidelines for the privacy and protection of personal data
    of any person that elects to engage with Fastagger on any of its Platforms.  
    2.1 We or us, our or ours, or Fastagger means Fastagger Limited, a company incorporated in the
    Republic of Kenya and its subsidiaries and other affiliated entities globally.
    2.2 You, User means the natural person accessing a Fastagger Platform and may include but not be
    limited to: an employee, a potential or existing client (person who signs up to use or purchase any
    of our products or services), recruitment applicant, donor, investor, any person browsing a
    Fastagger Platform for any reason.
    2.3 Fastagger Platform means website(s), social media (including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
    YouTube), digital/software applications and other online and offline media of communication
    owned, controlled or otherwise operated by Fastagger.
    2.4 Personal Data is information that can be used to identify an individual and may include but not be
    limited to: name, address, phone number, email address, login information (account number/name
    and password), IP address, location data, personal identification number (ID/passport number,
    social security number), photos, video footage with your likeness, audio recordings, educational
    and professional records, and any form of biometrics, health, racial, ethnic, religion, gender-based,
    sexual preference, age or any other identifying personal data. 
    2.5 Processing data means what we can do with Personal Data; this includes collection, storage, use,
    modification, alteration, encryption, decryption, transfer and removal of Personal Data. 

By accessing a Fastagger Platform, clicking on the ACCEPT tab, and voluntarily submitting their
personal details, all Users acknowledge and expressly and unambiguously agree to this Policy’s
terms and conditions.
This Policy applies to all Users.

    4.1 In order to qualify as a User, you must meet the following requirements:
    4.1.1 Users must be at or over the minimum age of majority in their country of residence or have
    the written consent of their adult parent or lawful guardian.
    4.1.2 Users must agree to and ACCEPT this Policy’s terms and conditions.
    4.2 If a User provides, upon request by Fastagger for a specific purpose, any false, inaccurate, or
    incomplete information or if Fastagger considers that there are well-founded reasons to doubt the
    truthfulness, accuracy, or integrity of such information, Fastagger may deny that User current or
    future access to and use of a Fastagger Platform, or a section of the FASTAGGER Platform or any
    of its contents and/or FASTAGGER services.
    4.3 Users undertake not to disclose the details of their account (where an account is necessary by
    Fastagger to access certain unique content or participate in a sensitive process of Fastagger such
    as recruitment and e-commerce) or allow access thereto to third parties. Users shall be solely
    responsible for any use of such details or of the services that may be made by third parties,
    including the statements and/or contents entered on a Fastagger Platform or part thereof, or for
    any other action carried out under their personal details, such as the use of their phone number,
    name or e-mail address.
    4.4 Users are the sole owners or authorized licensees of the content entered by them on a Fastagger
    Platform. By agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Policy, the User grants Fastagger, in
    relation to the content that they may provide, a worldwide, irrevocable, and transferable licence,
    free of charge, with the right to sub-license, use, copy, modify, create derivative works, distribute,
    publicise and exploit it in any way that may be deemed appropriate by Fastagger, with or without
    any further communication to the User.
    4.5 Fastagger cannot guarantee the identity of Users, and it will therefore not be liable for the use by
    third parties of a User’s identity. Users undertake to inform Fastagger immediately, using the
    communication channels made available by Fastagger, if their credentials provided to Fastagger
    for any reason are stolen, disclosed, or lost.
    4.6 We grant you a non-transferable, revocable, and non-exclusive licence to access and use a
    Fastagger Platform, in accordance with this Policy, for such things as: gathering preliminary
    information regarding our products and making purchases and for obtaining information on
    Fastagger’s programs, stakeholders and strategy. 
    4.7 This Policy expressly prohibits actions such as: accessing our servers or internal computer
    systems, interfering in any way with the functionality of a Fastagger Platform, gathering or altering

any underlying software code, infringing any intellectual property rights. This list is non-exhaustive
and similar actions are also strictly prohibited.
4.8 Any breach of this Policy shall result in the immediate revocation of the access and use license
granted to you without prior notice to you. Should we determine at our sole discretion that you are
in breach of any of the provisions of this Policy, we reserve the right to deny you access to any
Fastagger Platform and its contents and do so without prejudice to any available remedies at law or

    5.1 Information supplied directly by you:
    5.1.1 Registration Data: the information provided by you when you create an account on our
    online/offline Platforms – (such as name, location, e-mail and phone number) to place an
    order for a product or service, to apply for a job vacancy or to donate to or invest in
    Fastagger or for any other legitimate purpose. 
    5.1.2 Additional information that you wish to share: any information that you could supply to
    Fastagger for other purposes. 
    5.1.3 Information about previous communications with Fastagger: We will have access to the
    information you supplied in the past for the resolution of any queries or complaints about
    the use of a Fastagger Platform through the communication channels provided on any of
    the Fastagger Platforms. 
    5.1.4 Transcription and recording of conversations held between you and Fastagger for the
    processing of incidents, queries or any other consultations that may be made.

5.2 Information supplied indirectly by you:
5.2.1 Data arising from the use of a Fastagger Platform: Fastagger collects the data generated
from the use of a Fastagger Platform every time you interact with it. 
5.2.2 Data on Fastagger application and the device: Fastagger stores data on the device and the
Application you use to access our services. This data is:
a) The IP address used to connect to the Internet using your computer or mobile phone.
b) Information about your computer or mobile phone, such as your Internet connection,
browser type, version and operating system, and type of device.
c) The full uniform resource locator (URL) Clickstream, including date and time.
d) Data from the User’s specially created account: information on the orders made by
each User, as well as feedback and/or comments made by such User.
e) The User’s browsing history and preferences.

5.2.3 Data arising from the User’s origin: if a User accesses a Fastagger Platform through an
external source (such as a link from another website or a social network), FASTAGGER
collects data on the source of such access.
5.2.4 Data resulting from the management of incidents: Fastagger will collect the messages
received in the format used by the User and may use and store them to manage current or
future incidents.
5.2.5 Data arising from “cookies”: Fastagger uses its own and third-party cookies to facilitate
browsing by its Users and for statistical purposes.
5.2.6 Data resulting from external third parties: Fastagger may collect personal data or
information from external third parties only if the User authorises such third parties to share
that information with Fastagger. For example, if a User creates an account through their
Facebook account, Facebook could disclose to us the personal data of that User that can
be found on their Facebook profile (such as name, gender or age). Similarly, if a User
accesses Fastagger through products and services offered by Google, Google may share
the User’s browsing data with Fastagger. The information provided by the external third
party may be controlled by the User in accordance with the third party’s own privacy policy.
5.2.7 Geolocation Data: provided that this has been authorised by Users, Fastagger will collect
data relating to their location, including the real-time geographic location of their computer
or mobile device.

    Fastagger collects, accesses, uses, processes and stores Personal Data from Users for the
    following legitimate purposes:
    6.1 To use Fastagger Platforms
    Fastagger uses the Personal Data collected from Users to enable Users to access and
    communicate through Fastagger Platforms with Fastagger and to facilitate the supply of products
    and services by Fastagger to them.
    6.2 To Communicate 
    6.2.1 Fastagger uses your Personal Data to communicate with you messages relating to
    Fastagger Platforms, services and products.
    6.2.2 Fastagger may send messages to the User’s device with information relating to the status
    of any online order placed, job application, incident reported or any other type of
    engagement with a User.
    6.3 For statistical and service analysis
    6.3.1 FASTAGGER uses the User information for statistical purposes to analyse User behaviour
    and trends and understand how Users use Fastagger Platforms.

6.3.2 Fastagger also uses the User information to research and analyse how to improve the
services it provides to Users, including the possibility of adding new, different services or
6.3.3 Fastagger also processes User statistics based on the User’s Personal Data in order to
assist Users in their decisions and use of the service, including the possibility to quickly
reorder products ordered in the past or suggest products based on their past orders or
“popularity” among new users. Additionally, Fastagger could assist Users in their decisions
through automatically determined filters by the past historical orders Users have placed.

6.4 To comply with legislation and bring and defend legal actions
Fastagger may maintain records of conversations, chats, and messages with Users for the purpose
of filing and/or defending any claims and/or legal actions that may be necessary, as well as to
manage any incidents arising in connection with their interaction with Fastagger Platforms. 
6.5 Promotions and commercial offers 
Fastagger uses third-party technology integrated in its Platforms to collect user data and
preferences and use this with CRM or equivalent systems and advanced technology for the benefit
of Users. The following processing may thus be carried out on their Personal Data through the
information collected:
6.5.1 Fastagger may send promotional messages and/or offers relating to its services that may
be of interest to Users. Fastagger may gauge and personalise such advertising in
accordance with its User preferences. If a Fastagger User does not wish to receive this
information and/or commercial communications, he/she may at any time opt to
“Unsubscribe” or opt-out, and Fastagger will immediately stop sending the aforementioned
6.5.2 Fastagger and/or the third parties associated with Fastagger may use the User’s location or
address data to carry out promotional activities for the delivery of samples or free products
or demonstration of services that may be of interest to the User.
6.5.3 Users may use their Fastagger Platform privacy settings to unsubscribe from online
marketing services or to close their account if they do not wish to receive such unsolicited

    Any Personal Data (for example, your name, location, and telephone number) you transmit to any
    of the Fastagger Platforms electronically or otherwise will be used by Fastagger in accordance with
    this Policy. By using a Fastagger Platform, you consent to such processing. Any other
    communication or material you transmit to Fastagger through a Fastagger Platform, such as
    questions, comments, suggestions or the like, will be treated as non-confidential and non-

Anything else that you submit to a Fastagger Platform and/or provide to Fastagger, including but
not limited to, questions, reviews, comments, and suggestions (collectively, “Submissions”) will be
treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary and shall not be returned to you.
In addition to the rights applicable to any Submission, when you post comments or reviews to a
Fastagger Platform, you also grant us the right to use the name that you submit in connection with
such review, comment, or other content.
You shall not pretend to be someone other than yourself or otherwise mislead us or third parties as
to the origin of any Submissions. We may, but shall not be obligated to, remove or edit any

    We shall retain your Personal Data for the period that it is necessary to fulfil the purpose we
    collected it for or for as long as it is required by law. The retention period will be determined by the
    length of time we have an ongoing relationship with you, an existing legal obligation and whether
    the retention is necessary for a legal process.
    9.1 Any disclosure of your Personal Data shall be in accordance with applicable law. We shall assess
    requests to disclose and we may decline to share your Personal Data with the requesting third
    9.2 Fastagger User data will not be disclosed to any third parties unless: 
    9.2.1 This is necessary in order to provide the services requested if Fastagger is collaborating
    with third parties;
    9.2.2 If Fastagger has the User’s express and unambiguous authorisation; 
    9.2.3 Where this has been requested by a competent authority pursuant to its functions (in order
    to investigate, prevent or take action in relation to illegal actions); or
    9.2.4 Finally, where required by law.
    Fastagger may occasionally need to transfer your Personal Data outside your country of residence.
    In such cases, Fastagger will ensure before sending the data that it will be processed in
    accordance with its instructions and that your Personal Data is only transferred in accordance with
    any applicable data protection laws and regulations and this Policy.
    11.1 You may exercise your rights free of charge at any time using the communication channels
    available on a Fastagger Platform. Your written communication must specify which right you wish

to exercise, as well as, where applicable, the identifying data registered on a Fastagger Platform.
We will contact you if we need additional data in order to verify your identity.
11.2 You may exercise the following rights of a data subject:
11.2.1 Right to be informed why we are collecting data about you.
11.2.2 Right to access personal data we collect about you and request for information about how
we process it.
11.2.3 Right to request that we correct your data where it is inaccurate or incomplete
11.2.4 Right to request that we erase your Personal Data except for when we have to retain your
data if required by law. 
11.2.5 Right to withdraw your consent for processing Personal Data except for when we have to
continue processing for legitimate or legal reasons.
11.2.6 Right to request transfer of your Personal Data.

    Fastagger has taken the necessary steps to maintain the required security level, according to the
    nature of the Personal Data processed and the circumstances of the processing, in order to avoid,
    to the extent possible and always in accordance with applicable law, its alteration, loss or
    unauthorised access or processing. As outlined in this Policy, Personal Data supplied by Users will
    not be disclosed to third parties without the User’s prior authorisation.
    You acknowledge and confirm that all intellectual property rights and database rights, whether
    registered or unregistered, in a Fastagger Platform, information content on a Fastagger Platform
    and all the Fastagger Platform design, including, but not limited to, text, graphics, software, photos,
    video, music, sound, and their selection and arrangement, and all software compilations,
    underlying source code and software shall remain at all times vested in us or our licensors.  Use of
    such material will only be permitted as expressly authorized by us or our licensors.
    Any unauthorised use of the material and content of a Fastagger Platform may violate copyright
    laws, trademark laws, the laws of data protection, privacy and publicity, and communications
    regulations and statutes and is strictly prohibited and you agree not to, or facilitate any third party
    to, copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit or create derivative
    works of such material and content.
    We may include links to third party websites on a Fastagger Platform at any time. However, the
    existence of a link to another website or platform should not be considered as an affiliation or a

partnership with a third party or viewed as an endorsement of a particular website or platform
unless explicitly stated otherwise.
In the event you follow a link to another website, you do so at your own risk.  We accept no
responsibility for any content, including, but not limited to, information, products and services,
available on third party websites.

    Fastagger reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy at any time
    and without prior notice. Users must carefully read the Policy’s terms and conditions when
    accessing a Fastagger Platform. In any event, acceptance of the Policy’s Terms and Conditions is
    an essential step to be taken before accessing the services and content available through and/or
    on a Fastagger Platform.
    In addition, Fastagger reserves the right to update, amend or delete the information contained on a
    Fastagger Platform, at any time and without the need for prior notice, with regard to its layout,
    presentation and access conditions, without thereby accepting any liability in relation thereto.
    Fastagger does not guarantee the absence of errors or interruptions when accessing a Fastagger
    Platform or its content, or that it will always be up to date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Fastagger
    shall, save in the event of circumstances making this difficult or impossible, take all steps to correct
    such errors, restore communication and update contents as soon as it becomes aware of the errors
    or disconnection or of the content being out of date.
    You will be bound by changes to the Privacy Policy’s terms and conditions even if you do not re-
    visit this page to re-read this notice.
    You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Fastagger, affiliated entities, and any other
    party involved in creating, producing, or delivering a Fastagger Platform and offering products and
    services for sale, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, licensors, and
    representatives, from and against all claims, losses, costs, and expenses (including without
    limitation advocate’s fees) arising out of (a) your use of, or activities in connection with, a Fastagger
    Platform and (b) any violation of this Policy’s Terms and Conditions by you.
    Fastagger assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for, any damage to, or virus that may
    infect your computer or other electronic device or other property on account of your access to, use
    of, or browsing on a Fastagger Platform, or your downloading of any materials or your purchase
    and use of e-commerce on a Fastagger Platform. Provided that Fastagger does not limit in any way
    its liability by law for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or breach of duty or caused
    by its gross negligence or willful misconduct.

While Fastagger uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on its
Platforms, Fastagger makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy and assumes no
liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of any of the Fastagger Platforms.
Your use of and browsing on a Fastagger Platform is at your risk. Neither Fastagger nor its
affiliated entities, directors, officials, and employees, nor any of its agencies, nor any other party
involved in creating, producing, or delivering a Fastagger Platform, is liable for any direct,
incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages or losses arising out of or in connection
with your access to, or use of the Fastagger Platform.

    If any section of this Privacy Policy is held by any court or tribunal to be invalid or unenforceable,
    either in whole or in part, then that section shall be severed from the Policy and shall not affect the
    validity or enforceability of any other sections of the Policy.
    You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that we provide to
    you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.
    This Policy is governed by the laws of the Republic of Kenya.

21. If you would like to delete your account and all associated information, please contact Fastagger Inc by email at

Copyright © 2024 Fastagger